I Don't Remember Being Raised Like This

I Don’t Remember Being Raised Like This is a subjective inventory of recollections, both real and fictitious, collected by each company member in 7-year intervals, up to the imagined age of 77. The show was inspired by a workshop with Petra Ardai, founder of the Space Theatre in The Netherlands.

For Apropos 2.0 the original piece was revised and interactive projection was added.


Creator-performers: Réka Szabó, Emese Cuhorka, István Gőz, Dániel Szász
Light and space: Attila Szirtes
Costume: Edit Szűcs
Visual design, interactive technology: Gábor Karcis, Zsolt Korai, Gábor Papp
Photos: Gáspár Hajdu
Video: Gáspár Hajdu, Zoltán Csík-Kovács, Attila Zérczi
Special thanks: Gábor Botond Barna, Bence Földesi, Dóra Furulyás
Sponsors in Hungary: Ministry of Human Resrouces, National Cultural Fund, Trafó House of Contemporary Arts, MU Theater, Jurányi Community Incubator House, SÍN Culture Center

For further information please visit http://thesymptoms.hu/.